Whilst care is taken to ensure that the Subud-Zone4.org is as up-to-date and accurate as possible, no responsibility can be taken by the Subud Zone4 representative and/or Subud Deutschland e.V. and for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any loss, damage or distress resulting from adherence to any advice, suggestions or recommendations made available through this website or through the Subud Zone4 representative and/or Subud Deutschland e.V. itself, howsoever caused, is equally disclaimed by the Subud Zone4 representative and/or Subud Deutschland e.V. and/or the World Subud Association.



Owner of this website
Subud Deutschland e.V.
on behalf of the 

Subud Zone 4 representative Farah Czwiertnia

contact: zone4rep(at)gmail.com


© 2014 Subud Zone4 representative and/or Subud Deutschland e.V. All Rights Reserved. All text, images, graphics, and other materials on this website are subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Subud Deutschland e.V. and/or the Subud Zone4 representative and/or the World Subud Association (www.subud.org), unless otherwise stated. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or reposted to other websites without the express written permission Subud Deutschland e.V. and/or the World Subud Association and/or the Subud Zone4 representative.
Subud Deutschland e.V.
Nordstadtstraße 26
38448 Wolfsburg

phone: + 49 (0) 5361 86007
fax: + 49 (0) 5361 86008
eMail: info(at)subud-zone4.org

VR Braunschweig 100477


Helen Hanchair Subud Germany



Farah Czwiertnia - Subud Zone4 representative


"Subud®" and the seven circles symbol are registered marks

of the World Subud Association www.subud.org

see details under

Zone 4 Gathering 2019

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